Welcome to Lightening PFC

Lightning Powerchair Football Club (PFC) is a Powerchair Football Club which is based in Northern Ireland. It aims to provide an opportunity to people aged +7, with a physical disability to play Powerchair Football within Northern Ireland. (Manual and Powerchair users are welcome!)
Coached by the Ulster Disability Footballer of the Year (2016) and backed by a determined committee of members, striving to increase the profile of Lightning P.F.C. and the game of Powerchair Football within Northern Ireland and to provide opportunities for people to play a disability team sport that they otherwise may not be able to participate in.
Everybody Welcome! Lightning P.F.C. trains on most Friday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Lisburn Leisureplex, Lisburn.
If interested, contact jrbrowning10@gmail.com for more information and advice.